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Writer's pictureMichael Constantine

Basil Benefits - Nutrition, Health, and More

Basil is a flavorful, leafy green herb that originated in Asia and Africa.

It’s a member of the mint family, and many different varieties exist.

Popular as a food seasoning, this aromatic herb is also used in teas and supplements which may provide a range of health benefits.

This article explains all you need to know about basil, its benefits and uses.

Those are 10 main varieties of basil

Basil Varieties :

1. Christmas Basil

With 2-inch, glossy green leaves and purple flowers, Christmas basil adds fruity flavor to salads and drinks, and the plants are gorgeous in the landscape. A beautiful border plant, it averages 16 to 20 inches tall.

2. Cinnamon Basil

This variety has a delightful fragrance and spicy flavor. A beautiful, 25- to 30-inch-tall plant with dark-purple stems and flowers accented with small, glossy leaves, it’s my favorite basil to use for fresh arrangements and in fruit salads and garnishes.

3. Dark Opal Basil

A must in my garden, Dark Opal basil adds color to fresh summer floral displays and depth to dried arrangements and wreaths. Beautiful and spicy in a salad or garnish, it can also be made into pesto, which adds an unexpected color and flavor to your pasta or bruschetta. The plants are attractive in the herb garden, ranging from 14 to 20 inches in height with purple stems, flower and leaves.

4. Holy Basil

A revered plant in the Hindu religion, Holy basil is also referred to as Sacred basil or Tulsi. Its leaves can be used to make tea for boosting your immune system. It is a beautiful plant in the garden with mottled green and purple leaves and grows to about 12 to 14 inches tall.

5. Lemon Basil

This variety can be added to salads and fish dishes with abandon. A sprig of Lemon basil in a glass of iced tea is particularly delightful on a hot summer day. The 20- to 24-inch plants are light green with white flowers and 2½-inch-long leaves.

6. Lime Basil

With small green leaves on compact, 12- to 16-inch plants with white flowers, this variety’s lime scent and flavor makes it great in fish and chicken dishes. A simple syrup infused with Lime basil is a delicious addition to tea and margaritas.

7. Spicy Bush Basil

The cutie of the basil garden, Spicy Bush basil has tiny leaves on small, mounded plants, which are perfect for pots or lining the garden in bonsai-like fashion. It only takes a few of this variety’s intensely flavored leaves to add a punch to a sauce or soup. The plants are a soft green and about 8 to 10 inches in height and width, with 1/2- to 1-inch-long leaves.

8. Purple Ruffles Basil

A feathery variation of Dark Opal, Purple Ruffles adds another dimension to the landscape, floral arrangements or garnishes. It has the same flavor as Opal and can be used similarly. It is a 16- to 20-inch-tall plant with 2- to 3-inch-long leaves.

9. Sweet Basil

This basil cultivar is the best choice for Italian sauces and soups and for making pesto. Varieties include Genovese, Napoletano, Italian Large Leaf and Lettuce Leaf. Plants range from 14 to 30 inches tall and are prolific in hot, sunny locations. Harvest the top four leaves often to keep the plant growing and sweetly flavored.

10. Sweet Thai Basil

An Asian variety with a distinct, spicy, anise-clove flavor, quite unlike common sweet basil, sweet Thai is a must-have addition to Asian cuisine and makes a nice addition to the herb garden for fragrance and color. It has purple stems and blooms with green leaves reaching 12 to 16 inches tall.

Most Common Varieties

The scientific name of the basil commonly purchased for cooking is Ocimum basilicum (abbreviated O. basilicum).

There are many different varieties of O. basilicum, including :

  • Sweet basil: The most widely grown, popular basil, renowned for its use in Italian dishes. Commonly sold dried in supermarkets. Has a licorice-clove flavor.

  • Bush or Greek basil: Has a strong aroma but mild flavor, so it can be substituted for sweet basil. Forms a compact bush with small leaves and grows well in a pot.

  • Thai basil: Has an anise-licorice flavor and is commonly used in Thai and Southeast Asian dishes.

  • Cinnamon basil: Native to Mexico. Has a cinnamon-like flavor and scent. Commonly served with legumes or spicy, stir-fried vegetables.

  • Lettuce basil: Features large, wrinkled, soft leaves with a licorice-like flavor. Works well in salads or tossed with tomatoes and olive oil.

The basil commonly used in supplements and herbal tea is holy basil — sometimes called tulsi — which is the O. tenuiflorum species,also known as O. sanctum. It is added to some Thai dishes because of its distinct flavor.

Summary Sweet basil is most widely used for cooking, but many other varieties — with slightly different flavor profiles — are available. The main type of basil for supplements and herbal tea is holy basil, which is a related but different species.

Nutrients and Plant Compounds

As recipes demand relatively small amounts of basil, this herb contributes few vitamins and minerals in typical diets.

Here is the most notable nutrient content of 1 tablespoon (around 2 grams) of sweet basil :

Though dried basil is more concentrated in nutrients, you use less in recipes compared to fresh. Therefore, neither is a significant source of most nutrients — except vitamin K.

Basil also supplies beneficial plant compounds that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other health properties .

In addition, these compounds give basil its “essence” — or distinct aroma and flavor. That’s why oils derived from basil and other plants are called essential oils .

Summary Because basil is generally used in small quantities, the only substantial nutrient it provides is vitamin K. Basil also supplies plant compounds, which contribute aroma, flavor and health benefits.

Health Benefits

Basil is not only a popular folk remedy for ailments like nausea and bug bites but also widely utilized in traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and other holistic medicine systems .

Today, scientists study potential medicinal benefits of basil. Extracts or essential oils of basil, which provide concentrated amounts of plant compounds, are typically tested instead of whole leaves .

Test-tube or animal studies are usually done to determine whether substances may be worth developing into medications and testing in people.

Potential Benefits of Sweet Basil

Below is a summary of potential benefits of extracts of sweet basil, primarily based on mouse and test-tube studies. Whether the same results would occur in people is uncertain.

Preliminary studies suggest sweet basil may:

  • Reduce memory loss associated with stress and aging .

  • Reduce depression related to chronic stress .

  • Reduce stroke damage and support recovery, whether given before or right after a stroke .

  • Improve fasting blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides .

  • Reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension .

  • Relax blood vessels and thin your blood, similar to aspirin .

  • Protect against aspirin’s damage to your gut, particularly preventing ulcers .

  • Prevent certain cancers, including of the breast, colon and pancreas .

  • Increase mental alertness when inhaled as aromatherapy .

  • Inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause dental decay .

  • Improve food safety, such as if integrated into food packaging by manufacturers .

  • Provide an alternative to antibiotics for infectious diseases, including combating antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria .

  • Repel insects, such as mosquitos and ticks .

Mouse studies typically give 100–400 mg of basil extract per kg (220–880 mg per pound) of body weight. Appropriate human doses are unknown .

Potential Benefits of Holy Basil

Holy basil has a long history of use for many ailments, including many of those listed above. Though few human studies are available, their results are encouraging .

When 60 people with type 2 diabetes took 250 mg of holy basil extract alongside a diabetes drug each day before breakfast and dinner for three months, they had an 18% decrease in average blood sugar compared to those only taking the drug .

Additionally, in a study in 158 people with at least three symptoms of stress, taking 1,200 mg of holy basil extract daily for six weeks was 39% more effective at improving general stress symptoms than a placebo .

More human studies are needed to verify effectiveness and dosage.

Summary Both sweet and holy basil have a long history of medicinal use. A few studies in people suggest benefits for blood sugar and stress, though more research is necessary.

Culinary Uses

Basil gives zest to tomato dishes, salads, zucchini, eggplant, meat seasonings, stuffing, soups, sauces and more.

Pesto — a creamy, green sauce — is one of basil’s most popular uses. It’s typically made from crushed basil, garlic, parmesan cheese, olive oil and pine nuts, though dairy-free options are also available. Try it as a dip or sandwich spread.

Basil complements other herbs and spices such as garlic, marjoram, mustard, oregano, paprika, parsley, pepper, rosemary and sage.

If you have fresh basil, take only the leaves — not the stem. It’s generally best to add fresh basil at the final step of cooking because heat can diminish the flavor and bright green color .

If a recipe calls for fresh basil but you only have dried, use just 1/3 of the measurement, as dried is more concentrated.

If you’re cooking without a recipe, use the following amounts per 1 pound (450 grams) of food as a general guide :

Summary Basil enlivens many dishes, including pastas, salads and sauces. If using fresh basil, add it toward the end of cooking since heat subdues its flavor and color. Use about 1/3 of the amount of dried basil compared to fresh.

Safety and Side Effects

Basil is generally safe when consumed in small amounts, but a few precautions are warranted.

Basil leaves are high in vitamin K, which helps blood clot. High intakes could interfere with blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin .

If you’re taking a blood thinner, aim to consume consistent amounts of vitamin K daily so that your doctor can regulate your medication. Eating foods made with a lot of basil — such as pesto — could make this difficult .

In contrast, basil extracts — such as those found in supplements — can thin your blood, leading to problems if you have a bleeding disorder or an upcoming surgery .

Additionally, people taking blood pressure-lowering drugs or diabetes drugs should use caution with basil supplements since they may lower blood pressure and blood sugar. Your doctor may need to decrease your drug dose .

Avoid holy basil if you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Animal studies suggest that holy basil supplements may negatively affect sperm and trigger contractions in pregnancy. Risks during breastfeeding are unknown .

Though basil allergies are rare, a few cases have been observed in people who reacted to pesto .

Summary Basil is generally safe when ingested in small amounts, but certain health conditions and drugs necessitate caution. Holy basil supplements should be avoided by couples seeking pregnancy.

The Bottom Line

Basil comes in many varieties. While this herb may not contribute significant nutrients to your diet, it can spice up your meals.

Though holy basil is typically added to herbal teas and supplements, studies suggest that sweet basil may provide similar health benefits, such as stress reduction and blood sugar control.

Keep in mind that more studies in humans are needed on both types of basil.

Try growing basil on your own and add it to sauces, salads and soups — your taste buds will thank you.

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